About - Touched By Grace Wellness-HeartCoreHealing, CranioSacral, Reflexology,QHHT, Energy Healing, Reiki

This is the place where pain and distraction are transitioned into peace, solace and a new direction.
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Touched By Grace was started back in 2006 when I realized my passion for healing and helping was the greatest thing in my life and I needed to begin channelling that into something real and concrete. I rather like the play on my name, Grace. And the 'touched' part came from the TV series "Touched by an Angel," which was popular at the time.

My reason for being started in 1992 with a cancer diagnosis for my mother, who later died of her illness in 1997. Being her caregiver was instrumental in creating the resolve I have that people do not need to suffer the way they do. I strive to help others achieve a reasonably happy lifestyle and the best health possible.

Walking the talk is also something I strive to do. And being authentic, open and honest is the way I want to operate my life and my business.

CranioSacral Therapy

I've gone down the CST 'rabbit hole' deeper than many therapists, taking 4 levels into the branch called SomatoEmotional Release Therapy. My training is through the Upledger Institute. Because emotions and our mental aspect are coupled so closely to our health it is a key way to ensure deep healing and resolution. I love the Cranial work, it really is my favourite because it goes so deeply into where the problem lies in the body, as well as allowing healing of thoughts and emotions as well.


Orca Institute of Professional Training in Vancouver BC is where I took my Hypnotherapy training. And I have supplemented that with many hours of study on my own, seeking to understand more about this amazing way of working with the inner mind to help people. I have over 600 hours of training,  to assist others when navigating the sea of the unconscious.


I became a Certified Reflexology Therapist through RAC in 2004 and have since seen the faces of hundreds of people transform from tired and worried to glowing, relaxed and smiling. This is another avenue of deep healing which is fantastic for bringing things into balance and relaxing the whole body. Reflexology is a beautiful way for me to connect and help a client on all levels of healing.


This was my first journey into healing and the realm of energy. By 2005 I had my Reiki Master attunements and taught my first class in 2007 (Making me a Reiki Master-Teacher.) Since then I've taught many classes and use my Reiki ability almost daily for others and myself as well. I am known for my 'hot hands' as energy flows immediately from my hands, even when just discussing healing my hands get hot! I work continually to make myself as clear a channel I can be to run this life giving energy from Source.

Intuitive Ability

Ever since I was a small child I saw things but didn't realize I was seeing things others didn't. Psychic ability and the paranormal has always intrigued me but sadly levitation and playing chess with ghosts just never happened, leading me to believe for many years that I was just disappointingly normal. It wasn't until constant practice with doing healing work and conversing with spirit that my senses got sharper, clearer, and I began sensing and picking up on things. I found that sometimes....not always, but sometimes I would just 'know' things. Things that were going to happen, things that had happened to a client to cause the injury. With use and intent these abilities have become much keener to the point where in my everyday life as well as in my healing work I have found these abilities extremely helpful. I have come to rely deeply on my connection to Source, to my angels and to my spirit guides. There is work to do and we do it together.

Touched By Grace

I started Touched By Grace in 2006, wanting to make myself officially in business. I struggled a bit with choosing the name, considering "Amazing Grace's Healing" as another possibility. But I liked the Touched idea, not because I'm odd, but from the TV series 'Touched By an Angel' and the idea of holiness taking part with the healing. In everything I do for my business and for my clients there is integrity of working for Source, for the Light, for Higher Power and for the betterment and uplifting of the human race and this planet.

My Mission:
Is to bring peace to the planet by helping people first finding peace in their own lives, and then letting it grow outwardly to spread amongst others.

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